Important Dates

 ● Submission Deadline14 August 2017
 ● Author Notification20 August 2017
 ● Camera Ready25 August 2017

We invite you to participate in the ACM Symposium on Spatial User Interaction (SUI 2017), which will be co-located with the ACM Conference on Interactive Surfaces and Spaces(ISS 2017) in Brighton, UK, by submitting a poster and a one-page extended abstract paper.

Posters offers you the opportunity of engaging the audience of the Symposium at a personal level, elicit feedback on early stage work, and discuss potential collaborations in an informal manner. You will also be able to publicize your poster during the fast-forward session at the Symposium.
We seek posters describing work in progress, novel ideas or systems, or late breaking results and application implementations from all areas of spatial user interaction. You can submit both a paper and a poster on the same topic, and some authors of otherwise rejected papers will be invited to present their work as a poster. Extra information such as videos may also be submitted. These will be taken into account during the review process and may be included in the final publication.

Submission Instructions

      • Unlike paper submissions, poster submissions are not anonymous. Thus, be sure to include the names and affiliations of all authors.

      • Posters extended abstracts should be prepared as a one-page manuscript in the ACM SIG Proceedings format. Please submit your extended abstract in camera-ready format. For the Latex version, the correct template to use is sigconf.

      • You can include a draft version of your poster design. The poster must fit within an area of 1 m wide and 2 m tall.

      • SUI 2017 uses the new version of the Precision Conference System.

      • Submissions should address one or more of the topics of the Symposium within spatial user interaction. Unlisted but strongly related topics are also welcome.

      Poster Setup and Presentation

      • Each poster display will be approximately 1m wide and 2m high. Your poster must not be any larger than these dimensions.

      • You can also present a slide to be shown during the fast-forward session at the Symposium to describe and publicize your work.

      • Please note that at least one author of each accepted poster will be required to register to present at the symposium. The author is also required to be available during the poster viewing session.

      Poster Fast Forward

      More information about the Poster Fast-Forward session will be available soon.

      Poster Chairs

      imgJason Alexander

      Lancaster University

      Florian Daiber

